I am an open-minded Catholic raised woman curious to discover other religions so I was glad to listen to the teaching monk telling us about the Buddhist beliefs and precepts.
I felt really lucky to meet monks and to have the opportunity to talk to them directly. I was particularly interested in meditation and how to get your inner self still. I knew that it was a difficult exercise of the mind but now I understand that everybody can do it, that it is okay not to be able to meditate for a long time at first and that letting go of everything requires practice and time. Now, I feel ready to give it a try!
Before coming in Thailand, I used to do volunteering work in France very often. I was part of several associations and gladly participated in the organisation of events. It was a great experience to volunteer here in Thailand too on Magha Buja day, I was able to discover how everything is enthusiastically planned and arranged with great care. I could also meet respectful and incredibly devoted people. Being part of the volunteering team was an unforgettable experience.
I very much enjoyed helping in the preparation of the celebration from early morning to late evening, the atmosphere was great and the feeling of serving people is always wonderful. Helping people sorting their garbage out, cleaning and welcoming visitors made me feel useful and happy. I could see in people eyes and smiles they were grateful and rejoicing at seeing young people giving their time and energy to ensure everything goes well.
Some people were surprised at seeing volunteering foreigners; I could see it worked as a good surprise for them. I guess they understood we were sincerely interested in the Thai culture and felt happy we could share this great celebration with them.
Thank you very much for your energy, your kindness and your welcoming smiles. (I had a great time and I will never forget this experience!)
Maybe we could have a list of English books to read on Buddhism or meditation and a little bookmark with some key words we need to learn to greet people like “Share your merit” or “I am glad you came today”.